

11:30pm - Friday, Mar 17, 2023

Remember that time that Willow was a super angry, 600 year-old leprechaun who terrorized Jennifer Aniston over a stolen pot of gold in a horror movie before she got famous? Of course you do! Because that movie is LEPRECHAUN, it is awesome, and we're screening it for your viewing pleasure on St. Patrick's Day.

(Don't get it twisted! We're screening the original LEPRECHAUN - not to be confused with any of the six others in the franchise. This is not the one with Ice-T, or the other one with Ice-T, or the reboot from 2014. We're kicking it old-skool with the Jennifer Aniston one that started it all!)

Friday, March 17
Doors 11:00 | Movie 11:30 pm

Late Night Date Night! Friday Late Might Movies are two-for-one entry, so being a friend or date and be a hero!

LEPRECHAUN (Mark Jones, 1993 / 93 minutes) | An evil, sadistic Leprechaun goes on a killing rampage in search of his beloved pot of gold.

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