

9:15pm - Thursday, Aug 20, 2015

A throwback to the glory days of early 90s French electronica, director Mia Hansen-Løve’s EDEN (a critical hit at 2014’s Toronto Film Festival) marries the music of the era with a compelling dramatic narrative. Inspired by the musings of Hansen-Løve’s brother Sven (a well-known Parisian DJ at the time), EDEN follows a teenager navigating the underground scene of early-nineties Paris who forms a DJ collective with his friends, and plunges into the nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music.

Monday, August 17
Doors 8:45 | Movie 9:15

Monday, August 20
Doors 8:45 | Movie 9:15

Tickets $10 advance / $12 door

*Must be 19+ for entry and bar service.
**Groupons and passes OK. Please redeem at the door.

EDEN (Mia Hansen-Løve, 2014, 131 mins) | Paul, a teenager in the underground scene of early-nineties Paris, forms a DJ collective with his friends and together they plunge into the nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music. Félix de Givry, Pauline Etienne.

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