7:30pm - Friday, Jan 12, 2024
Marathong 2024
In the winter the nights are long, dark, and cold—so how about an all-evening-long burlesque
extravaganza that’s sizzling hot!
Marathong brings together some of Vancouver’s finest burlesque talents to showcase their best
new acts while filming them for festival consideration and your enjoyment. There’s a full moon rising Vancouver—and you’re going to want a front row seat.
Friday, January 12
Doors 7:00 pm | Show 7:30 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
General Admission $30+s/c | $35 at the door
Featuring Ariel Helvetica
And many many more:
Angora Phobia
Amethyst Howl
Betties and a Tempest
Chelsea Hart
Clare Voyeur
Grace Galore
Halena Lou
Holly Graphic
La Dame Derriere and The Lady Chiffon
Meadow Phorical and Sugar L’Estrange
Ruthe Ordare
Scarlet Delirium
Viktoria Court
Vita Devour
Co-hosted by Rebel Valentine and Dandy!
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