6:30pm - Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024
The Invisibles
In the engrossing dramatic parable THE INVISIBLES, Charlie has become so disengaged from his job and his marriage that he becomes invisible – at first metaphorically and then literally – to those around him. Charlie is finding this disturbing enough, but then he happens on an entire community of invisible people like him in a parallel dimension. Can they return to the world of the visible? And do they want to?
THE INVISIBLES is a Canadian science fiction film, written and directed by Andrew Currie. The film stars Tim Blake Nelson as Charlie, a man who is navigating the end of his relationship with Hanna (Gretchen Mol) when he begins to physically disappear, discovering a hidden world of other people who have become invisible.
Vancouver Premiere! Post-show Q&A with the director Andrew Currie.
"Tim Blake Nelson is an acting treasure, and he’s at the top of his game here. Mol and Greenwood are excellent, too, as is Nathan Alexis as one of the invisibles." (themoviegourmet.com)
Tuesday. September 24
Doors 6:00 pm | Movie 6:30 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
THE INVISIBLES (Andrew Currie, 2024 / 121 mins / NR) A couple is facing the end of marriage, when the husband begins to disappear. As he fades from existence he discovers a new world of people who have disappeared just like him.
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